Encourage the Iowa legislature to reduce the blood alcohol level to 0.08 for boat operators – the same alcohol limit as for cars.

Continue the Spirit of America hands-on Youth Water Safety Education Program for twelve-year old students utilizing two resident camps at Camp Foster.

Continue the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) program utilizing three DNR Water Patrol Officers and three DNR Fisheries Bureau summer interns at boat ramps to prevent AIS from entering the Iowa Great Lakes.

Continue the AIS boat ramp volunteer program educating and inspecting boaters coming to the Iowa Great Lakes.

Assist the DNR and Iowa Lakeside Laboratories to hire six Student Conservation Association interns to educate boaters about the threat of Aquatic Invasive Species to the Iowa Great Lakes.

Redesign a new Water Safety Brochure for the Iowa Great Lakes. Distribute the new brochure to marinas, boat ramps, resorts, boat rental locations, bait shops, and chamber of commerce.